Cam's whole life had changed the moment he laid eyes on this girl, and he was never going to get to keep her.
After bonding at a half-marathon, rival gym owners Cam and Kailani discover the person they thought could be their soulmate turns out to be the reason their respective businesses are failing. When a heat-of-the-moment kiss leads to the pair becoming viral sensations, they pretend to be a couple to keep up interest despite the hatred they feel toward each other's businesses.
But new clients are not the only thing drawn in by the star-crossed lovers' fake relationship. They also grab the attention of a famous fitness mogul who tells them he wants to sponsor one of their gyms. The catch? One of them has to beat the other in a televised competition.
With undeniable attraction pulling the two together for real, Cam and Kailani agree to set their differences aside and enjoy the time they get to spend together while competing. Each new challenge becomes a chance for the two of them to get to know each other better, but their pasts keep getting in the way.
Unless they can learn to truly trust each other, not even a miracle can save a relationship that was doomed from the start.
thoughts & feelings
Reading a series always makes me a little nervous. I'm secretly, but not so secretly, always expecting the books to get worse or less interesting as the series continues. I feel like this is fairly rare in books so I'm going to blame the movie industry for my hesitations on this one.
Dana LeCheminant's series "The Wonder Boys" is proving, once again, that a series can be wonderful and intriguing all the way through. "Love On Display" is the third novel in Dana's "Wonder Boys" series and is truly just as amazing as the first two books.
This novel focuses on Cam, who turns out to be so much more than a cocky trainer. Did anyone else kinda of get that vibe in the previous two novels? I love that Dana has allowed us to view each of her characters through different lenses. We see them through the lens they portray to the world, through the eyes of their close friends and family, as well as getting to see them in all of their vulnerable glory. Without giving away anything I will simply say that Cam is definitely so much more than previously portrayed. His life has definitely not been all sunshine and rainbows. It made me a little teary at parts but I love how raw and real Cam's story is.
I also loved the relationship between Cam and Kailani. You may be thinking "Mattie, this is an entire series built on fake dating. How different can Cam's story possibly be?" The answer? Very, very different. I love that they are actually interested in each other BEFORE the fake dating starts and I love that the fake dating is somewhat of an immediate failure. To give you a brief glimpse into this relationship just know that they are legitimate business rivals, are both very determined and stubborn, and have chemistry like nobody's business. Be prepared to be giggling one second and swooning the next. Don't say I didn't warn you.
There is only more book in this series and while it kind of breaks my heart I am so excited for Kit's story. Dana dropped some MAJOR hints (well, I think they are major hints) in Cam's book and I am so excited to learn more about the protector and rock of the Wonder Boys.
book tags
Steam Level: clean, kissing, lots of flirty banter
Language: clean
Content & Trigger Warnings: death of a family member
book information
Title: Love On Display
Series: The Wonder Boys #3
Author: Dana LeCheminant
Rating: 5/5