"Solve my predicament...No sleeping potions or mistaken identities allowed."
London, 1815
Olivia Wilde has resigned herself to never finding a love match. Her father has insisted she marry a man with a title, but the men her father deems acceptable are either boring or are only interested in increasing their own diminishing coffers. With her future looking dismal, Olivia vows to enjoy the last few months of freedom with her childhood friends, including Emerson Latham. His devilish smile and flirtatious teasing stirs up feelings she knows she cannot entertain.
Emerson is struggling to rise to his responsibilities after his father's death. Though he is still learning his place, one thing he knows for certain is that he wants Olivia Wilde to be his wife. Emerson had long ago fallen in love with her quick wit, beauty, and passionate heart. Yet, without a title, he will never be permitted to court Olivia openly. But he has a plan that may give him a chance to court her in secret.
As the Season kicks off, Emerson proposes a playful game of tag. Olivia's friends are delighted by the idea, though Olivia is wary. After all, the game must be played in secret as they tag each other at dinners and balls. As the romance builds between Olivia and Emerson, so does the risk of being discovered. Not only are their reputations at stake, so is their safety if they are caught by Olivia's strict father.
Can their love find a happily ever after before the game ends?
thoughts & feelings
Have you ever seen a book on social media and EVERYONE loves it so you just HAVE to have it? Games in a Ballroom was, and is, that book for me. In fact, I believe it was the first book I was ever convinced to buy from social media. (Great job guys!) I purchased the book with the intent to read it right away...and then it sat on my shelf for about a year. I sincerely apologize Jentry.
Games in a Ballroom was everything I hoped it would be. Trust me when I say that the pig scene is worthy of all the hype. The mystery of the pig scene builds for so long in the book! Even our main man, Emerson, is left in the dark for a while and he's part of the bet! This scene will have you giggling for sure.
The main reason it stands out to me is because it broaches subjects that I haven't seen very often in the regency romance sphere. Olivia, our leading lady, is not a titled woman and isn't related to anyone who is titled. She wasn't even born into money! To quote Titanic her family is "new money." On the other hand we have Emerson who comes from the lower rungs of "acceptable" society. He is the son of a second son so he does own an estate...just not Mr. Darcy level. I have read stories about members of the ton falling for each other and a member of the ton falling for someone of a lower class. But I think this is the first time that I've read a love story involving two people who are basically tolerated in society. They aren't highly sought after but rather hang on the outskirts of society. I loved seeing this type of love story and how even the outskirt people are still seeking a marriage of advantage...or they are told to seek an advantageous marriage.
Another reason I loved this book is because of the bad guys. I LOVE a convincing villain and Jentry has given us two of them! Olivia's dad is the first and main bad guy. My hate for him runs deep and I hate him for many, many reasons. Don't you just love when an author gives you a bad guy that you just hate so much? That is a sure sign of great writing. Olivia's dad is pompous, like thinks the world should fall at his feet pompous. He has made a great deal of money and insists on having the nicest of everything. Poor Olivia is forced to wear these hideous gowns that are dripping with lace, beading, ruffles, etc. You name it and it's probably on the dress. The poor girl has been made into a living display of her father's wealth. I also hate, hate, hate him because of how he treats Olivia and her mother. He has an extremely short temper and as a result Olivia and her mother are both afraid of him. Not like tip-toe around feelings scared, like cower in the corner scared. He is truly a horrid man. I can't say much about the second bad guy because he plays a rather important role in the story but you will know him when you see him and you will also hate him. I guarantee it.
I absolutely loved Games in a Ballroom and am hoping two or three books are coming. I feel like Emerson's best friends, Bradbury and Northcott, need their own books as does his sister, Arabella. However, I have my suspicions about Arabella so I'm thinking there many only be two books. Does anyone else have this same suspicion?
book tags
Steam Level
clean, there are a few kissing scenes
Content Warnings
Olivia's father has a temper and is physically abusive to her mother. There are no scenes showing the abuse but it is mentioned a few times. For example, it mentions Olivia's mother tugging her sleeves down to hide bruising on her arm.
book information
Title: Games in a Ballroom
Author: Jentry Flint
Rating: 4.5/5