I'd never understood the idea of swooning. Any self-respecting woman of sound body and mind ought to be able to stand upright, even when being thoroughly kissed. But now I had more sympathy for the heroines of romantic novels.
Little Sowerby, England, 1802
Miss Genevieve Wilde-a magistrate's daughter and independent heiress-is determined to meet life's challenges all on her own, just as her late father had taught her. So when her father's pocket watch is stolen, she will do anything to get it back, especially when the local authorities prove incompetent.
Upon reading an advertisement in the paper, she takes a chance and contacts a thief-taker to find the watch. It's a choice Ginny regrets when former Bow Street officer Jack Travers arrives on her doorstep. He is frustratingly flirtatious, irritatingly handsome, and entirely unpredictable, and Ginny wonders if she'll be able to resist such a man.
But after Ginny discovers that the missing watch is just a small part of a larger, more frightening plot against her, she needs Jack's help more than ever. To protect her home and her reputation, the two enter into a risky charade-pretending Jack is her cousin so he can begin his investigation, starting with the household staff. As they work together to unravel the mystery, Ginny finds herself falling fast for her charismatic thief-taker, leaving her heart in just as much danger as her life.
Thoughts & Feelings
When A Heart Worth Stealing first released I heard absolutely amazing things about it. Like any good bookworm, I raced to my local bookstore and snagged a copy. I lovingly welcomed it to my shelf and promised to be back soon. It took me a few years but I finally came back for it. I am happy to report that this novel is just as amazing as everyone said. If it's been sitting on your shelf patiently waiting for you, snag that baby up! I promise you are going to love it!
It's hard to narrow down my favorite things about A Heart Worth Stealing because it is all so good! I guess we shall start at the beginning because as Julie Andrews taught us, "that's a very good place to start." This novel is a historical fiction novel with a touch of mystery and suspense. At the beginning of the novel our leading lady, Genevieve, has a prized possession stolen from her home. The story focuses on finding out "who done it." I used to declare that I was not a fan of mystery and suspense novels but my heart is really loving them lately. I love the mystery and intrigue! I love guessing who the culprit is as information comes to light and clues unravel. Joanna Barker did an incredible job weaving together a budding romance, amazing banter, friendships, and mystery throughout this novel. My heart loved every single second and I struggled to put this one down and get other things done.
I cannot review this book without mentioning Beatrice, Ginny's best friend. She quickly won my heart and might be one of my all-time favorite fictional characters. I am very intrigued by Beatrice because we get just a little tidbit about her life/backstory. I am DYING to know what happened during her season! Is she ever going to return to society for another season? My heart needs all the answers!
I think Beatrice captures my heart because even though we don't know the details of her story we get enough information to know that she has been wading through the muck and mud for a long time. Instead of locking herself away and hiding, she is constantly there to support Ginny. She's the kind of friend we all want to be and have. My heart just loves her so much and I hope one day, even in it's only in my mind, she gets her happily ever after.
Lastly, we have to talk about the chemistry between our leading lady and main man. Jack and Ginny could not be more opposite. I loved the witty banter, head butting, and fiery tempers that were bound to arise anytime Jack and Ginny spent a significant amount of time together. I also love that their story is a slow burn. They don't fall head first in love at first sight but rather it's a slow build that creates fantastic tension. I may have been ready to smack them upside the head and lock them in a room together until they figured things out at one point...
Book Tags
clean, no swearing
Steam Level
clean, kissing
Content & Trigger Warnings
Ginny's father has recently passed away. Throughout the book her relationship with him is mentioned as well as her grief at his death.
Book Information
Title: A Heart Worth Stealing
Series: I cannot find an official series but, So True a Love is the sequel to A Heart Worth Stealing
Author: Joanna Barker
Series Information
A Heart Worth Stealing
So True a Love